Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So now Senorita is a screamer. She screams quite bit each day when she wants something out of her reach or something that's been taken away from her. It's quite unnerving sometimes.

On the other hand, I'm proud to say she signed "mas" when I asked if she wanted more food on the 21st! So she does "leche" and "mas" now. How exciting.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

first birthday

Today she made 1 year old. How time flies. I wish it were last year. All week I remembered last year and was wishing it was then, so I'd have my final week of pregnancy again. How I miss being pregnant with T! (and B!).
Here are some photos of the big day. Date is wrong because camera screen is broken and I cannot access the menu

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Senorita was sick over the weekend and we took her to the doctor. She'd had fever since Thursday afternoon, all day Friday, and then on Saturday. So to the doctor we went; he gave her an antibiotic prescription. Her first dose was Sat. night. She still had fever and was listless and fussy on my birthday Sunday but perked up when Muggy & Paw Paw came over for cake & ice cream. The fever seemed to have stopped Sunday night but now she's getting a rash over her body from the antibiotics.

[I've tried to attach photos but it doesn't seem to be working. I'll have to try again later]

Friday, July 11, 2008

this one is of her taking a few steps on June 26.

pictures of walking

Here's 2 photos mentioned in the previous post. The videos take so long to upload but I'll plan to put more videos on here.

walking! teething!

Since the last entry we've gone to and returned from Jordan. June 12 T took a tiny unassisted step. June 16 she did another one. June 19 I noticed a top tooth (next to the front) began to burst thru the gum. Today it felt out more. June 23 she took several steps. Around our anniversary, June 29, she was walking pretty nicely. It was fun to watch her go from pushing a chair across the patio or pushing her grandma's walker to holding on to some things and take a step by herself. Now she can stand up from the ground and take off walking. I'd say within 2 weeks she went from pushing to walking on her own. Additionally, in early June she began to do the sign for "leche" so now when she wants milk I make her do it instead of crying. Of course, she still cries and hits my chest but I show her the sign to try & get her to understand that all she has to do is sign it and not cry. Here's one of the videos I took, of her pushing the chair and then taking a few steps.
Oh, yeah... the plane ride: on the way there, from Atlanta to London she slept a good deal of the 8 hours which was quite a blessing. Then from London to Amman, she slept about half of the 5 hours. The way back wasn't as nice. She was up more but from London to Atlanta she took about 3 wonderful naps. She hated to ride in the car any time we got in it in Jordan (no car seat) and then when we got picked up in Atlanta she wasn't too pleased to be in a car seat. She's NOT the rider that brother B was when he was an infant. Senorita cries a lot while riding whereas B was content!