Wednesday, February 18, 2009

chicken!! :<

Senorita climbed up on the kitchen chairs twice within about a week and grabbed the chicken leg that I'd cooked for Bekher. This was much to my displeasure because I was trying to keep her vegetarian as long as possible. But she DEVOURED the chicken leg. My goodness!

Monday, February 9, 2009

yoga?? & attitude

OH Senorita.What are we going to do with you? She stands on the chair watching the computer either Signing Time video or the Spanish Dora from and she raises one leg behind her, reminding me of a yoga pose. She also does this while nursing. She is climbing on the chairs for our (high) table and she climbed up the chair to get onto the trampoline all by herself. She's just a monkey all around!

She's beginning to get a little attitude nowadays, pushing away things she doesn't want; and she says "nooooo" in the cutest way, in response to various questions (even if the answer is yes).

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

more eating & WOW

She's been saying WOW pretty clearly now for the past few days. It's cute.

Here's some photos of her eating a green bell pepper and then one of her lying in the playpen after she threw all the toys out to make room for that to happen.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Saturday was big brother B's 8th birthday. He opened his gifts from us at home and then his party was later that night at Chuck E. Cheese. Senorita danced and had a good time with Chuck E.

eating things

Here are photos of Senorita eating a red bell pepper and much to my chagrin, a chicken leg :<