I'll try to put a video on
Monday, December 31, 2007
Christmas photos

She wore a red My First Christmas all in one pj, with ho ho ho on the back. We stayed at home for the morning and went to grandparents in early afternoon and then to cousin's in the evening. Here are some from the day. The eating one is of her first meal besides the oatmeal cereal. She loved the sweet potatoes!
some pictures

I'll try to put some photos on now. She began eating sweet potatoes on Christmas and she loved them. However, at night she had some problems either from gas from the potatoes or from her stuffy nose. Christmas night and the couple nights afterward I was up pretty much all night,with her crying and being fussy; she fell asleep in my arms and I slept sitting up. This Sunday I started with carrots and she eats them ok but not liking them as much as sweet potatoes.
Above are some photos from the past couple of months. Ewan as in McGregor from Moulin Rouge... a friend gave me that bib made special.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
no more rice
There will be no more rice cereal because it made T constipated. I'm used to her dirtying many diapers each day and since there was a 3 day spell of no dirty diapers, we've stopped the rice cereal. We'll try oatmeal with some pear juice now. She was given some apple juice during this constipated period and I think that helped because she did 2 diapers today, none yesterday, and 1 the previous day (after her 3 days of none)... She ate the cereal very well but since she's had this problem, we are stopping it.
She's now 4.5 months old, so we can start with squash or carrots or something. My mother wants to give her applesauce and pears but I want to hold off on the fruit so she won't get a sweet tooth so soon, although with my mom involved it will be difficult because grandma always likes sweets. ugh!
We still don't have recent pictures uploaded; all on the camera still\
She's now 4.5 months old, so we can start with squash or carrots or something. My mother wants to give her applesauce and pears but I want to hold off on the fruit so she won't get a sweet tooth so soon, although with my mom involved it will be difficult because grandma always likes sweets. ugh!
We still don't have recent pictures uploaded; all on the camera still\
Monday, December 3, 2007
The other night when I woke up to nurse her, she began drinking and then moving her left arm like she was conducting a symphony! It was so cute.
She rolled over again tonight.
Last night when I gently pulled her arms, she sat up with the motion. Before, she wouldn't pull up so now she has gotten the strength in her upper body.
She rolled over again tonight.
Last night when I gently pulled her arms, she sat up with the motion. Before, she wouldn't pull up so now she has gotten the strength in her upper body.
Friday, November 30, 2007
4.5 months
She's eating twice a day, the rice cereal and she grabs my hand with both of her hands which becomes quite a mess. But she opens her mouth like a little bird ready for the worm! So cute.
I absolutely HATE going to work and leaving her with grandma or daddy. I want to be with her and I shall very soon.I don't care how it has to happen or where we have to go but I cannot be without her like I was without my B, missing all his babyhood and missing him calling out in the morning and missing first steps because he was with a babysitter and my mom picked him up. I was gone 12 hours a day for during his babyhood and that was AWFUL. Now,although I'm working 10-2 that turns into 8-4 that I'm NOT with my baby T.
She's biting my fingers a lot and drooling. Doctor had said she may begin teething soon. B didn't get teeth till he was a year and I"m hoping she won't get any too soon either with the breastfeeding. Even eating the cereal at night she's still eating 2x's at night so when I have to leave for work is when I REALLY want to go back to take a nap. And I have to drive such a long way to get to work that some days I don't know how I make it being so sleepy.
She's in her crib each night and goes to sleep after her bath & a little nursing. If she's not fully asleep I'll play spanish lullaby music.
She rolled over once the other day but not since. I marked it on the calendar but it hasn't become regular yet.
I absolutely HATE going to work and leaving her with grandma or daddy. I want to be with her and I shall very soon.I don't care how it has to happen or where we have to go but I cannot be without her like I was without my B, missing all his babyhood and missing him calling out in the morning and missing first steps because he was with a babysitter and my mom picked him up. I was gone 12 hours a day for during his babyhood and that was AWFUL. Now,although I'm working 10-2 that turns into 8-4 that I'm NOT with my baby T.
She's biting my fingers a lot and drooling. Doctor had said she may begin teething soon. B didn't get teeth till he was a year and I"m hoping she won't get any too soon either with the breastfeeding. Even eating the cereal at night she's still eating 2x's at night so when I have to leave for work is when I REALLY want to go back to take a nap. And I have to drive such a long way to get to work that some days I don't know how I make it being so sleepy.
She's in her crib each night and goes to sleep after her bath & a little nursing. If she's not fully asleep I'll play spanish lullaby music.
She rolled over once the other day but not since. I marked it on the calendar but it hasn't become regular yet.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
18 pounds
So we went to the 4 month checkup yesterday and she now weighs 18.01pounds. Thát's 10 pounds heavier than her birth weight. Dr. said we can start rice cereal which I will feed her today at our Thanksgiving meal. She's still been waking up every couple hours to eat and last night it seemed to be every hour, I don't know. She got 3 injections which contained 5 vaccinations. Her legs are chunky and her tummy too. Dr. said she was fat in all the right places with the breast milk. Today's her first major holiday! Oh how I wish it were last year when I was newly pregnant. I miss it so much. I brushed her hair to the other side one night after her bath this week and she looked a bit like a. hitler. yikes. but she's cute like that. She's not rolled over yet but trying. She bites all fingers on both hands interchangeably and alternately, not preferring any over the other. At this age, B was sucking his left thumb exclusively, and he gave up on the chupete. T still likes the chupete as well as her fingers/thumb/hand. We put her in the jumpy this week and at first she didn't like it, but the next day she seemed to take to it better. B is practicing with a borrowed Wii. He gets frustrated easily with such games but seems to be enjoying it right now. I guess I'll go and put the turkey in the oven. |
Monday, November 12, 2007
new things
She grabbed her chupete out of her mouth and put it back in. She's getting better at grabbing things. She likes to hold her rag or beads. She can't always put the chupete back in her mouth but sometimes she does. She laughed out loud last week and I tried to video it but she stopped making the out loud noise and was just smiling when I blew on her tummy. Last night my mom was tickling her and she laughed out loud. It's such a lovely sound. Last night was her first night in her crib.I've been having her sleep down on the floor in her bassinet since day 1 but decided to give her more space and a softer mattress in her crib. She did ok mostly and I slept in the futon in her room. We woke up at midnight and 2am for feedings and then I couldn't go back to sleep as she was crying out and moving around a bit. It seems louder in the crib than in the bassinet, with her leg lifts and moving around. I think she likes smaller spaces because again the other night she slept in the car seat until 2am after falling asleep in the restaurant at 9. She scratched above her eye with her ever growing fingernails. They are sharp! I'll be taking her soon for her 4 month appt with the doctor. On Nov 19 she's 4 months old so I'll make an appt for around then, coordinating a day when dad's working so I can take off using sick leave. So after this appt I'm sure I'll get the go-ahead for some cereal/food. Although a friend of mine gives her 2month old cereal in his bottle, T has only gotten breast milk from day 1, minus the nights in the nursery at the hospital when they gave her a small amount of formula. I'm pumping once a day at work and she'll drink about 4 ounces in the time I'm gone. But with the cereal soon to be given to her, she'll probably get more satisfaction. She's a big girl! Her tummy and legs have rolls of fat!! :> |
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
On October 22 I returned to work, part time. Although it was WAY better than when I left home to go back to work after B was 3 months old ( I cried the whole way into town) because it was all day and HORRIBLE, it's still not what I want with my life with a new baby. She's so cute and I have so much fun with her. I miss her and my B while I'm away, although B is in school, which he says is too long and boring. She's 3.5 months old now and she'll sometimes make a little gurgling sound when she is smiling. She doesn't want to drink a bottle for her dad. Tomorrow grandma has her so we'll see how she does with the bottle. She waited all day w/o drinking milk (I pump at work) until I returned home from work @ 3. He's tried various nipples and bottles but she has given him a hard time each day he's been with her during feeding times. Hmmmm. She looks so cute in yellow. I'll do another entry with a great picture of her. |
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
dribblin' droolin'
I say that to her when there's lots of drool coming down from her lips. She drools a lot nowadays.
Why does she mess up her outfits when we go out?! This Sunday at a birthday party she messed up her dress with a big poo poo diaper. Then yesterday at the store she had 2 huge poo poo diapers and messed up 2 outfits. She's a monkey! :> And she doesn't cry when her diaper is filled with poo; she becomes quiet. She'll just sit forever. Her brother did that too. Today when I came back from bringing B to school, I checked her in the bassinet and she was wide awake "eating" her hands but not crying (dad was in the shower). She had a huge messy diaper to change. Then I fed her. She's still just drinking breastmilk--for another month exclusively according to the doctor. At 4 months we can give her some food.
She cries when her dad holds her sometimes. I don't know why.
Nowadays in her 3 month old state, I can sit her down in her bouncy chair and she'll sit for a bit while I fold clothes or do the dishes. She began recently to grab the little bar on the seat that has the mirror and rattle. She takes little cat naps a lot rather than one big morning nap. So that doesn't help me much because by the time I get settled down for a quick nap, she's awake again.
Why does she mess up her outfits when we go out?! This Sunday at a birthday party she messed up her dress with a big poo poo diaper. Then yesterday at the store she had 2 huge poo poo diapers and messed up 2 outfits. She's a monkey! :> And she doesn't cry when her diaper is filled with poo; she becomes quiet. She'll just sit forever. Her brother did that too. Today when I came back from bringing B to school, I checked her in the bassinet and she was wide awake "eating" her hands but not crying (dad was in the shower). She had a huge messy diaper to change. Then I fed her. She's still just drinking breastmilk--for another month exclusively according to the doctor. At 4 months we can give her some food.
She cries when her dad holds her sometimes. I don't know why.
Nowadays in her 3 month old state, I can sit her down in her bouncy chair and she'll sit for a bit while I fold clothes or do the dishes. She began recently to grab the little bar on the seat that has the mirror and rattle. She takes little cat naps a lot rather than one big morning nap. So that doesn't help me much because by the time I get settled down for a quick nap, she's awake again.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
When she was born, her eyebrows seemed barely visible. The past couple of weeks I've noticed that they are getting darker. Tomorrow she'll be 12 weeks old. Wow!
She smiled at me when I looked directly at her, so she's noticing more.
We went to lunch with B today and he was excited to see her. All the kids like to see her there and when I go to lunch with B without T they all ask where she is. Sometimes she falls asleep with all the kids around & their commotion (a school cafeteria!) but today she stayed awake looking around at everyone. Everyone (grown-ups) comments on how much hair she has. She has lots, but I cannot put a bow/clip in it because it's too silky and the clips fall out.
Still getting just breastmilk; doctor said until 4 months old that's all she'll need. She's doing fine without any thing else. She's chunky and almost needing size 3 diapers. I wish she was still in newborns!And now she's about to end size 2 diapers. My goodness :<
At 12 weeks she is still waking up 2x's a night, generally around 2-3AM and 5-6AM. And she won't really settle down until close to midnight. I'll feed her at 9 and put her down in her bassinet but she wakes up shortly thereafter so I'll feed her again around 10 and put her down again. I still have her sleeping in the vibrating bassinet on the floor next to me.
She's waking from her nap so this is the end of this post.
She smiled at me when I looked directly at her, so she's noticing more.
We went to lunch with B today and he was excited to see her. All the kids like to see her there and when I go to lunch with B without T they all ask where she is. Sometimes she falls asleep with all the kids around & their commotion (a school cafeteria!) but today she stayed awake looking around at everyone. Everyone (grown-ups) comments on how much hair she has. She has lots, but I cannot put a bow/clip in it because it's too silky and the clips fall out.
Still getting just breastmilk; doctor said until 4 months old that's all she'll need. She's doing fine without any thing else. She's chunky and almost needing size 3 diapers. I wish she was still in newborns!And now she's about to end size 2 diapers. My goodness :<
At 12 weeks she is still waking up 2x's a night, generally around 2-3AM and 5-6AM. And she won't really settle down until close to midnight. I'll feed her at 9 and put her down in her bassinet but she wakes up shortly thereafter so I'll feed her again around 10 and put her down again. I still have her sleeping in the vibrating bassinet on the floor next to me.
She's waking from her nap so this is the end of this post.
Friday, October 5, 2007
my favorite picture
She's sleeping in the swing right now with her mouth open. She sleeps very nicely there and did a 4 hour stint there one night, although my mom says that might not be too good for her back so I try to limit swing time to shorter periods. She smiled just now as I looked at her; her eyes are still closed in sweet sleep while I cook supper.
I cut her finger nails yesterday and while doing so I accidcentally cut her finger too and I noticed it and waited for the tears and wailing which she rightfully deserved to let out; however, she didn't utter a sound! I wonder if she has feeling there. I felt so bad that I did that :<
I cut her finger nails yesterday and while doing so I accidcentally cut her finger too and I noticed it and waited for the tears and wailing which she rightfully deserved to let out; however, she didn't utter a sound! I wonder if she has feeling there. I felt so bad that I did that :<
Friday, September 28, 2007
what's she thinking about?
sometimes when i nurse her she has her eyes open right up to my chest/shirt. i wonder what she's thinking about. sometimes her eyes are closed. it's fascinating and wonderful to breastfeed and i can't imagine someone choosing to NOT do it.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Right now she's grabbing at my nightgown. I guess she needs more milk. Again! :> I think brother should call her "baby eats-a-lot" because her tummy & legs are pretty big.
5-6 hours
I got close to 6 hours of sleep for the 3rd time since she was born. The first time was when she slept in her car seat while we visited my sister in TX when she was about 6 wks old. Then another time, just last weekend, she slept in her bassinet from midnight to 6am. Today she slept till about 4:30 after I fed her between 9/10 pm and I went to sleep around 10:30/11! yay. So I feel refreshed and ready to go @ 5AM! She's fallen back to sleep and I have to wake up my son around 7:30 for school. I guess I'll lie back down to try & get a small nap.
I ate some canned peaches, a mini mounds bar and a cup of soy chocolate milk after I put her down to continue sleeping. I'm trying to count my calories to see if I'm getting enough for breastfeeding. Since my appetite has never in my life been big, and I only eat to live as opposed to living to eat like New Orleans residents do, it's odd to be hungry all the time now. But I wonder how many calories I eat. I do NOT think i eat any where near 2000 like all the food charts servings are based on. We'll see what I consume today. I've begun my list.
I ate some canned peaches, a mini mounds bar and a cup of soy chocolate milk after I put her down to continue sleeping. I'm trying to count my calories to see if I'm getting enough for breastfeeding. Since my appetite has never in my life been big, and I only eat to live as opposed to living to eat like New Orleans residents do, it's odd to be hungry all the time now. But I wonder how many calories I eat. I do NOT think i eat any where near 2000 like all the food charts servings are based on. We'll see what I consume today. I've begun my list.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
She's smiling at me quite a bit when I make a funny face or noise. She's so cute. Her hair sticks up too. But her little toothless smile is adorable! Sometimes she'll sit for quite a bit w/o making any sound at all, like she's looking at TV and totally understanding what's going on! She also does this thing with her bottom lip, liking a rolling down when she's upset, kinda like a pout looking face but it's so cute! She "boxes" too. Sometimes when we hold her she moves her hands all around like a boxer does. And then "running" while she's lying down. She likes it when I touch her noise, belly button and toes (nariz, ombligo, deditos de pie) and she smiles at that. She'll be 10 weeks old on thursday. Sometimes at night she sleeps better than other nights. Last night I woke up @ 3 and then 6:30AM for feedings; i'd gone to bed around midnight after watching the saints lose on monday night football. She's 13 pounds 14 ounces from her doctor visit and her legs have rolls of fat! And her belly! Like a sumo wrestler :>
Thursday, September 20, 2007
My sweet girl is 2 months old now and I'll have to go back to work soon which makes me quite depressed. The worst day of my life was April 25, 2001 when I had to go back after my son's birth. Now this new date, upcoming soon, will be my equal worst day. I am praying for a soon end to my need to work, by the end of the year hopefully. Today I just feel depressed and sad. It's midafternoon and I"m still in my pajamas but at least I've eaten a full meal already while she napped. I got a good bit of sleep last night (with a nap this morning ) compared to the night before when I only got about 3 hours. She's crying now and it reminds me of a kitten, so I've called her "gatita" sometimes. She's so sweet and beautiful. I guess I should go feed her now.
blogging for my baby
I write this to memorialize my 2nd child’s birth and new life. She is already 2 months old and I wish to go back in time to be pregnant again and re-live the joy of feeling her inside my belly with hiccups and kicking around. I was extremely sad after I had my son, with overwhelming sadness of wanting him to still be inside my tummy. Of course eventually overcame this. When I became pregnant again 6 years after that, I tried to tell myself to NOT feel that way again, knowing that life goes on and pregnancy is only temporary. But oh how I wish it could last longer–I seem to be the only one to feel this way along with a friend of mine, it seems like everyone wants to get their pregnancy over with.
When I went to the doctor on july 19 and she tested my amniotic fluid and confirmed it was leaking and said i had to get to the hospital right away, I cried–not because I didn’t want to see my baby and know if it was a boy or girl (I refused to find out beforehand even though my husband wanted to know)–but because I wasn’t ready to give up the feeling of kicks and hiccups and closeness I will never feel again. I entered the hospital and began getting antibiotics @ 9:38 am. Doctor came to break water bag fully around12:30; couldn’t walk any more and was confined to bed after that, very uncomfortable bed. At 2pm they began some pitocin for a short time and afterwards I asked for the epidural because I could not get comfortable in the bed and couldn’t move around. I was still just 6 cm dilated after being already to 5 from the previous Monday. I called a coworker at 4:21 to tell her to pass the word around I was asking for the epidural and didn’t know when the baby was coming since I was only 6cm. The very second I hung up the phone I had a major contraction that must have sent me to 10 cm and so the nurse was called for who confirmed the head’s location and the dilation amount to be what was needed! My doctor barely got there and I needed to push. “Let me get the gloves and robe on” she exclaimed! I felt such a strong urge to push (remember I asked for an epidural but didn’t get it). I think I pushed about 4 times and said I was going to pass out. My husband put a cold rag on my head, my sister insisted I wasn’t going to pass out and the doctor said no way was that happening (I love my doctor and am so glad she got to deliver the baby). At 4:41 my sweet girl tzs was born, just 20 minutes after telling my coworker that I didn’t know when the baby would be born! It was so quick and i am very glad I didn’t get the epidural so I felt how it is to give birth w/o medication. I did get something afterward while my doctor stitched up my tear. I nursed my baby and held her until they took her to the nursery for the necessary workings. She was 8 pounds! I couldn’t believe it. I remember that I kept telling God thank you that she came out healthy and I was ok too.
Now she’s 2 months old already. She’s big. And I want her to be small. Oh how I wish to go back in time so she could be smaller again. I know I’ll eventually get over these feelings.
She drinks only breastmilk and is gaining weight nicely. I love to watch her drink the milk from me, it’s so sweet to see. I don’t understand how some mothers choose NOT to nurse the baby! It’s the best experience ever, even though it hurt immensely at first. She’s sleeping 3 hours at a time nowadays and even did a 6 hour stint one night. Her hair sticks up all spikey like and it’s adorable! Her tummy is chubby along with her legs. I love her so much!
Some nights she’s up more and nursing every couple of hours; she’s not consistent at all. she’s done some smiles for us and it’s so cute. Of course she was making these faces @ 3 weeks but nowadays they seem more real. The noises she makes crack me up. They are funny grunting and groanings while she sleeps and stretches. It’s so funny. I love to hear them. And then she makes the funniest faces when she wakes up! She is so sweet.
During the pregnancy I threw up every single day from dec until july 19, the day she was born and i was rarely hungry. Now with nursing her I am hungry a lot! That’s good because I’m told I need a lot of calories to nurse a baby. And in my pre-pregnancy life I’m usually never hungry either.
When I went to the doctor on july 19 and she tested my amniotic fluid and confirmed it was leaking and said i had to get to the hospital right away, I cried–not because I didn’t want to see my baby and know if it was a boy or girl (I refused to find out beforehand even though my husband wanted to know)–but because I wasn’t ready to give up the feeling of kicks and hiccups and closeness I will never feel again. I entered the hospital and began getting antibiotics @ 9:38 am. Doctor came to break water bag fully around12:30; couldn’t walk any more and was confined to bed after that, very uncomfortable bed. At 2pm they began some pitocin for a short time and afterwards I asked for the epidural because I could not get comfortable in the bed and couldn’t move around. I was still just 6 cm dilated after being already to 5 from the previous Monday. I called a coworker at 4:21 to tell her to pass the word around I was asking for the epidural and didn’t know when the baby was coming since I was only 6cm. The very second I hung up the phone I had a major contraction that must have sent me to 10 cm and so the nurse was called for who confirmed the head’s location and the dilation amount to be what was needed! My doctor barely got there and I needed to push. “Let me get the gloves and robe on” she exclaimed! I felt such a strong urge to push (remember I asked for an epidural but didn’t get it). I think I pushed about 4 times and said I was going to pass out. My husband put a cold rag on my head, my sister insisted I wasn’t going to pass out and the doctor said no way was that happening (I love my doctor and am so glad she got to deliver the baby). At 4:41 my sweet girl tzs was born, just 20 minutes after telling my coworker that I didn’t know when the baby would be born! It was so quick and i am very glad I didn’t get the epidural so I felt how it is to give birth w/o medication. I did get something afterward while my doctor stitched up my tear. I nursed my baby and held her until they took her to the nursery for the necessary workings. She was 8 pounds! I couldn’t believe it. I remember that I kept telling God thank you that she came out healthy and I was ok too.
Now she’s 2 months old already. She’s big. And I want her to be small. Oh how I wish to go back in time so she could be smaller again. I know I’ll eventually get over these feelings.
She drinks only breastmilk and is gaining weight nicely. I love to watch her drink the milk from me, it’s so sweet to see. I don’t understand how some mothers choose NOT to nurse the baby! It’s the best experience ever, even though it hurt immensely at first. She’s sleeping 3 hours at a time nowadays and even did a 6 hour stint one night. Her hair sticks up all spikey like and it’s adorable! Her tummy is chubby along with her legs. I love her so much!
Some nights she’s up more and nursing every couple of hours; she’s not consistent at all. she’s done some smiles for us and it’s so cute. Of course she was making these faces @ 3 weeks but nowadays they seem more real. The noises she makes crack me up. They are funny grunting and groanings while she sleeps and stretches. It’s so funny. I love to hear them. And then she makes the funniest faces when she wakes up! She is so sweet.
During the pregnancy I threw up every single day from dec until july 19, the day she was born and i was rarely hungry. Now with nursing her I am hungry a lot! That’s good because I’m told I need a lot of calories to nurse a baby. And in my pre-pregnancy life I’m usually never hungry either.
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