Sunday, December 9, 2007

no more rice

There will be no more rice cereal because it made T constipated. I'm used to her dirtying many diapers each day and since there was a 3 day spell of no dirty diapers, we've stopped the rice cereal. We'll try oatmeal with some pear juice now. She was given some apple juice during this constipated period and I think that helped because she did 2 diapers today, none yesterday, and 1 the previous day (after her 3 days of none)... She ate the cereal very well but since she's had this problem, we are stopping it.

She's now 4.5 months old, so we can start with squash or carrots or something. My mother wants to give her applesauce and pears but I want to hold off on the fruit so she won't get a sweet tooth so soon, although with my mom involved it will be difficult because grandma always likes sweets. ugh!

We still don't have recent pictures uploaded; all on the camera still\

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