Sunday, May 18, 2008

10 months old

Tomorrow, senorita will be 10 months old. My goodness. She is crawling around very quickly and determined to get to where she wants to be. She pulls up very nicely and can push the little walker toy on her knees... well, she did it once or twice. She loves cd's, magnet letters, cabinets with dishes and towels still. She eats tofu, pasta shells, veg. sliced turkey, and cheerios & (soy) milk. Sometime she wants to self feed and other times she wants to be fed. So I give her a mixture of baby food and chunky things to pick up. Today she gnawed on a piece of asparagus.

She's generally sleeping through the night until 4am or so. She'll get milk from me and then back to sleep until 6 or 6:30ish. That's how it's been the past couple of months. She has her two bottom teeth only (and I'm hoping no more until after she's stopped nursing). She loves her baby einstein tape (which I only play in Spanish) with the baby movements. She sits & smiles at it. I don't let her watch too much TV during the day.

In the picture above, she had a lovely time sitting on the counter while Baba was getting ready for work. She enjoyed the mirror immensely.

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