Tuesday, October 20, 2009

dreaming of nemo, cejas, no diapers

Tonight she fell off the futon and was crying of course. I asked her (in Spanish) if she had bobos anywhere, specifically asking about her head or back. she shook her head no several times. She cried out "mas nemo" and was pointing up in the sky. I asked her if she saw nemo when she was sleeping and she shook her head yes, this after she stopped crying of course. She's watched Finding Nemo these past few days, various parts, not the whole thing of course and is fascinated by the colors and the fact that he is lost.

She recently learned eyebrows, cejas, and likes to look for them on people or her "amimales" and she'll say "No Botas tiene cejas" (Boots, Dora's monkey friend). It's cute how she puts the NO in the wrong spot.

And on the 18th we had our first outing without a diaper. We went to Target and to the Petsmart place (to look at animals) with "calzon" for a short time. We had success until we returned home and I discovered her pants and carseat were wet. She uttered no word of this accident and continued playing in the car and upon arrival at home. She doesn't seem to be bothered by soiled pants/diapers because twice now she's wet her pants and didn't say anything and twice now she's soiled her diapers and proudly says "I sit down poo poo" and won't let me change her dirty diaper!

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